Page:The Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat volume 1.djvu/30

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11. Hate whom ye list for I kare not.

12. Grudge on who liste, this ys my lott

13.[1] Greting to you both yn hertye wyse

14. Tanglid I was in loves snare

15. Longer to muse ....

16. Love doeth againe

17. With serving still

18. Now all of change

19. Dryven bye desire 1 dede this dede

20. Perdye I saide it not .

21. Absens absenting causithe me to compli

22. When that I call unto my mynde

23. To make an ende of all this strif .

24. Wyll ye se what wonderous love hatha

25. Deme as ye list upon goode cause .

26. I am as I am and so will I be

27. Patiens for I have wrong .


1. To whom should I sue to ease my payne (Gourte of Venus)

2. Dysdaine me not without desert (Courte of Veniis)

3. Lyke as the wynde with raging blaste (Harl. MS.)

4. Under this stone ther lyeth at rest (Harl. MS.) .

5. Like as the byrde in the cage enclosed (Parker MS., Corpus Christi), Cambridge

6. Stond who so list upon the slipper toppe (A.MS.)


1. Accused though I be without desert (Tottel) . . . 367

2. Passe forth my wonted cryes ,, ... 368

3. Your lokes so often cast ,, ... 370

4. Synce love wyll nedes that I shall love ,, ... 372

5. For want of will, in wo I playne ,, ... 374

6. If ever man might him avaunt ,, ... 376

7. When first myn eyes did view and mark , , ... 378

8. Mystrustful mindes be moved ,, ... 379

9. I see that chance hath chosen me ,, ... 380

10. Through out the world if it were sought ,, ... 382

11. It burneth yet, alas, my hartes desire (Tottel) . . . 388

12. Sufficed not (Madame) that you did teare .... 385

13. Speake thou and spede where will or power ought helpthe

(Tottel) 386

14. If thou wilt mighty be flee from the rage (Tottel) . . 387

  1. Printed for the first time from the MS.
