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Catalogue of Recent Publications.

FISHER, RICHARD TROTT. Works, uniformly printed. 4 vols. 8vo. £1 4s.

FRERE, J. H. The Works in Prose and Verse of the Right Honourable John Hookham Frere. Now first collected, with a Memoir by W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere. Second Edition, with Additions. 3 vols. crown 8vo. with two portraits engraved by C. H. Jeens, £1 4s.

—— Large Paper, 3 vols. 8vo. £2 2s.

"The compilers and editors of the present volumes have done good service in collecting the scattered writings of their distinguished uncle. As for the memoir by which these writings are prefaced, we cannot compliment them too highly upon its taste, or congratulate them too warmly on its interest. The pages will command the attention of all readers, the edmiration of most; and the entire production is, on every ground, one of the most valuable accessions to English literature."—Standard.

FULLER, MORRIS, M.A. Our Established Church: its History, Philosophy, Advantages, and Claims. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.

"In the interesting work bearing the title 'Our Established Church: its History, Philosophy, Advantages, and Claims,' the Rev. Morris Fuller gives us even more than its title promises, for he has added a chapter on the Anglican ordinal. Its main object is to point out the advantages of maintaining the Established Church in England, and this subject is treated with great vigour and much learning."—Contemporary Review.

—— A Voice in the Wilderness; being Sermons preached at Dartmoor. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.

FULLER, T. David's Hainous Sinne, Heartie Repentance, Heavie Punishment. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.

A facsimile reprint on hand-made paper of the original edition, which is so scarce as to be seldom met with. Only 100 copies were reprinted.

—— Life, with Notices of his Books, his Kinsmen, and his Friends. By J. Eglington Bailey. Thick 8vo. numerous illustrations, £1 5s.

GOLDIE, A. R. The Localism of Art. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d.

HOME, F. WYVILLE. Songs of a Wayfarer. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.

"Rarely indeed, while wading through the volumes of