Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/121

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"To your remembrance) when you're-ascend
"To Circe's blissful isle, to my remains
"Discharge funereal rites; nor let me lie
"Unwept, unbury'd there, lest Heav'n avenge
"The dire neglect. While the devouring flames 75
"Consume my earthy, on the flagrant pile
"My armour cast complete; then raise a tomb
"For my memorial on the foamy strand,
"And on it place that oar which erst I ply'd
"With my associates." Pensive I rejoin, 80
"Poor Shade! I'll pay the decent rites you crave."
While with the friendly phantom I maintain'd
Such melancholy parley, with brandish'd steel
Guarding the goary pool, I thro' th' obscure
My mother[1] view'd: her lineage she deriv'd 85
From Maia's wingy son, and ceas'd to breathe
This vital air since I my legions led
To war on Ilium. From my pitying eyes
Abundant sorrow stream'd; but tho' regret
Wither'd my resolution, from the pool 90
I made the dear maternal form recede,
Till I should learn from the grave Theban seer
The sum of fate. The sage at length advanc'd,
Bearing a golden sceptre, and began:
"Son of Laertes! what misfortunes dire 95
"Compel your progress from th' all-cheering sun,
"And heav'nly azure, in this seat of woe

  1. Anticlea.