Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/134

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Translations, &c.
"Is still remaining; nor will I refuse,
"With coy denial, what the sacred ear
"Of Majesty with audience deigns to grace.
“Hear next how my associate warriors fell, 435
"O'erwhelm'd with huge afflictions, and oppress'd
"In their own realms by feminine deceit,
"To them more fatal than the prowess'd foe.
"When, by imperious Proserpine recall'd,
"The lady-train dispers'd, the pensive form 440
"Of Agamemnon came, with those begirt
"Whom, in one common fate involv'd, of life
Ægysthus had bereav'd. Sipping the gore,
"He recogniz'd me instant, and outstretch'd
"His unsubstantial arms, exhausted now 445
"Of all their vital vigour; with shrill plaints
"Piercing the doleful region far: mine eyes,
"Sore wounded with the piteous object dear,
"Effus'd a flood of tears, while thus I spake:
"O king of Hosts! O ever-honour'd son 450
"Of Atreus! say to what severe decree
"Of destiny you bow'd. By Neptune's wrath
"Tempesting th' ocean, did you there expire,
"Whelm'd in the wat'ry abyss? or fell you arm'd,
"Making fierce inroad on some hostile coast, 455
"To ravage herds and flocks? or in assault
"Of some imperial fortress, thence to win
"Rich spoils and beauteous captives, were you slain,
"Defeated of your seizure?" He replied: