Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/138

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Translations, &c.
"Best means reveal'd how to revisit safe
"My native realm: by rigid Fate repell'd,
"I'm exil'd yet, with troops of various ills 545
"Surrounded. But the gods, to your high worth
"Ever propitious, crown their fav'rite chief
"With choicer blessings than the eye of time
"Yet saw conferr'd, or future shall behold:
"On earth you equal honours with the gods 550
"From us receiv'd; nor by the stroke of Fate
"Sink with diminish'd lustre, but supreme
"Reign o'er the shades." He solemn sad reply'd:
"Reign here supreme! deem not thy eloquence
"Can aught console my doom: rather on earth 555
"A village slave I'd be than titled here
"Imperial and august. But say me true,
"Or did my son illustrate his descent
"First in the files of war, or fled he pale
“A recreant from the fight? Do all our tribes 560
"In Phthia still revere my father's throne?
"Or lives he now, of regal pow'r despoil'd,
"A weak contemn'd old man, wanting my arm
"To hold his sceptre firm? that arm! which erst 564
"Warring for Greece, bestrew'd the Phrygian plains
"With many a prowess knight! Would Heav'n restore
"The same puissant form, I'd soon avenge
"His injur'd age, and re-assert his claim."
He ceasing, I reply'd: "Of Peleus' state
"Fame hath to me been silent; but attend 570