Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/61

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Then I could rest as still as those 75
Whom he has drudg'd to sure repose,
As if he traded in the whole,
And with the body kill'd the soul:
To him for aid with speed repair—
"But soft! I scent the morning air:" 80
Be mindful of my piteous plight,
And to my cause engage the Knight.
Now, gentle Sir! give ear to me,
For I prescribe without a fee:
From Curll's remove the seat of war, 85
Encamp on t' other side the Bar;
Level your eye at Tryphon's shop,
Another epic at him pop;
What tho' without report it move,
Like the sure darts of Death or Love, 90
I know your powder is so strong
No mortal sign can stand you long.
But if, by magic, this oppose
The volley of your verse and prose,
I'll be your 'squire and firm ally, 95
Write, crimp, and coax him up to buy;
Not all the necromancer's art
Will save it then, beshrew his heart!
What can support a shop or sign
When two such per'lous wits combine? 100