Page:The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag.djvu/44

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But ere long, his spirit lonely,
Winged its way to southern breezes,
Where the waters are and sea-fowl,
Waters dim with sail and sea-gull,
Waters touched with drooping willow.

In the land of gracious women,
Lived there one, a light-haired maiden,
Like the lovely "Laughing Water,"
Gentle, artless, as the roe is.
Now the arrow from the quiver,
Like the arrow from the bow-string,
Speeds its flight, unerring ever,
Never weary, never faltering,
On to pierce the very heart-depths.

Speaks he now—young Hiawatha,
To this maiden of the Powell's;
"If you love me as I love you,
Leave the waters and the flowers,
Leave the flowers and the sunshine,
Climb with me the hills to northward,
Where the air is cool and bracing,
Where your cheeks will ruddy blossom.

"Up among the hills and mountains,
To the sturdy oak and pine-tree,
Where the creeping vine is laden,
Laden with its tempting sweetness,
Where the arbutus and myrtle
Shed their fragrance 'neath the snow-drifts."

"Do I love thee?" quoth the maiden,
Does the oak support the vine-stock,
Clinging closely with its tendrils,
Safe, secure, in love celestial?
Does the birdling nestle closely
'Neath the wing's maternal shelter
Till the stormy blast is over
And the dangers are all passed?
Do the waters seek the ocean,
There to cease their onward flowing,
Swallowed in the ocean's bosom,
Lost, but saved from earthly troubles?

"Yes, I love thee, Hiawatha,
Where thou leadest, I will follow,
Go with thee unto the mountain,
Go with thee o'er hills and valley,
Where the fir tree and the maple,
Where the maple and the locust
Breathe their fragrance on the breezes.

"As the dew-drop on the flower
Sparkles in the morning glimmer,
Like the radiance of the sunshine
Beams thine eye with heaven's lustre.
In thy dark eye there is mirrored,
Mirrored all the soul immortal;
In thy soul, emotions tender,
In thy breast a heart of trusting.