Page:The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag.djvu/71

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  When first this rock arose;
When new-born skies turned sightless eyes
  On pathless, lone repose!
Hail Catalina's lovely clime!
  Where Nature's every grace
Our eager view beneath the blue
  In ecstacy can trace!

O Avalon, Fair Avalon,
  Pearl in the ocean pale;
Thy memories stay, though far away
  Our barks reluctant sail.


My Little Pet Killarney Rose

Ah, little pet Killarney rose of mine!
  Though at the dawn each tiny verdant leaf
Is tipped with silvery tears of nightly dew,
  Thy tender petals yet know naught of grief!

From shaded window, on each summer morn,
  To passing breeze thou bow'st a fit salute;
I toss a kiss of friendship and of love—
  With crimson leaves thou wav'st thy blooming fruit

Thy tiny petals, kissed by morning sun,
  With glad acclaim enjoy his golden rays.
The air, as by sweet frankincense perfumed,
  Brings us the scent of balmy summer days.

Cease, ye vain nymphs from prairies wild and far,
  Who would your gaudy robes in pride compare
Who on all plainer garbs affect to frown,
  While perfumed lilies scent the morning air.

Now chilling blasts have touched thy crimson cheek;
  Thy frosted leaves are scattered far and near;
Thy tender petals and thy fragrant bloom
  Are sleeping through the days so cold and drear.

Ah, lovely little pet of scarce two years!
  I've watched thy budding boughs with care benign;
Each year my heart th' expected joy hath seen;
  It came! An opening bud from hand Divine!


The Potency of a Flower

Thou little queen, superb in ripening fields!
  That with frail petals cam'st at early morn;
An incense sweet thine open fragrance yields;
  And in the dusky night a flower is born.

Whence cam'st thou, O my little fairy queen?
  Was it in friendship or abiding love?
What hand was it that led thee to be seen?
  "'Twas love that beckoned me from realms above!"