Page:The Poetical Works of Thomas Tickell (1781).djvu/111

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"In vain thy lads around thee bandy,
"Inflam'd with bagpipe and with brandy. 40
"Doth not bold Sutherland the trusty,
With heart so true and voice so rusty,
"(A loyal soul!) thy troops affright,
"While hoarsely he demands the fight?"
"Doft thou not gen'rous llay dread, 45
"The bravest hand, the wisest head?
"Undaunted dost thou hear th' alarms
"Of hoary Athol sheath'd in arms?
"Douglas, who draws his lineage down
"From thanes and peers of high renown, 50
"Fiery and young, and uncontroll'd,
"With knights and squires, and barons bold,
(His noble household band) advances,
"And on the milkwhite courser prances
"Thee Forfar to the combat dares, 55
"Grown swarthy in Iberian wars;
"And Monro kindled into rage
"Sourly defies thee to engage;
"He'll rout thy foot tho' ne'er so many,
"And horse to boot—if thou hadst any. 60
"But see Argyle with watchful eyes
"Lodg'd in his deep entrenchments lies;
"Couch'd like a lion in thy way
"He waits to spring upon his prey,
"While like a herd of tim'rous deer 65
"Thy army shakes and pants with fear,