Page:The Poetical Works of William Motherwell, 1849.djvu/159

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Elfinland Wud.

An Imitation of the Ancient Scottish Romantic Ballad.

Erl William has muntit his gude grai stede,
(Merrie lemis munelicht on the sea,)
And graithit him in ane cumli weid.
(Swa bonilie blumis the hawthorn tree.)

Erl William rade, Erl William ran,—
(Fast they ryde quha luve trewlie,)
Quhyll the Elfinland wud that gude Erl wan—
(Blink ower the burn, sweit may, to mee.)

Elfinland wud is dern and dreir,
(Merrie is the grai gowkis sang,)
Bot ilk ane leafis quhyt as silver cleir,
(Licht makis schoirt the road swa lang.)

It is undirnith ane braid aik tree,
(Hey and a lo, as the leavis grow grein,)
Thair is kythit ane bricht ladie,
(Manie fleuris blume quhilk ar nocht seen.)