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1850-60.] ELIJAH E. EDWARDS. 627 When, having passed the portals of the Of years and honors full, I ask no more ! " blessed, The voice replied more solemn than before, I may repose upon the Infinite, " And then ? " And learn aright Why He, the wise, the ever-loving, traced "What then?" The path to heaven through a desert waste. He answered not, but with his youthful Courage, ye fainting ones ; at His behest heart Ye pass through labor unto endless rest. Resolved to choose the nobler, better part. That nevermore amidst his visions bright Those whispered words should mar his soul's delight, « And then." "AND THEN." 'TwAS when A youth stood on his threshold, looking forth. THE THREE FRIENDS. With dreamy eyes, upon the smiling earth, Three friends that never fail And picturing joy amid the coming years, Each mortal hath, A strange and solemn voice fell on his Himself, his God, and last, ears — The angel Death. " And then ? " O Higher than power or fame, "What then? O XT 7 Dearer than pelf. I shall go forth to mix with pleasure's J; / Nearer than brother's love — throng, The love of Self Join in the dance, the revel, and the song. Till youth with all its joyous scenes hath Truer than sun or star, fled—" Higher than heaven, The voice once more with chilling whisper Deeper than nether space, said, God's love is given. V And then?" More gentle than the spring, " What then ? Or summer's breath. I'll labor then to gather wealth and gold. And as a mother kind. To meet my wants when I am weak and The angel Death. old; To smooth my path in life's declining There is a threefold fate years." Binding the soul ; Again that solemn voice fell on his ears — God fills, Self drinks. Death breaks " And then ? " Its golden bowl. " What then ? The cup is filled with bliss — Why, when age bends my frame, and dims Drain it, soul ! my eye, Nor hate the friend who breaks My fate will be the fate of all — to die ; The empty bowl.