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6 In the third volume (I. section): f•relga—text¤. Albanian in two forms. Kahnlie. Anglo-Saxon. Karnatie. - Arabic. Kaahmerian. Armenian (Roman). Keliic. ,, (Italic). Koptie in two forms. ,, (ornunented). Maghadic. Batta. Malayalam (Grantham). Bengalese. Malayan in two forma. Birmanic. Mandsehu. — Bisayie. Moeao - Gothic. Bugia. Mongole. , Chaldaie. Monogramme. Chinese. Multan. Cingalese. Old Greek. Ciryllic. Orinaic. Cuueated letter. Pali. Devanagari. ,, Nr. 1. Estrangelo. Palmyrenic. Ethiopian. Pasaepa (square letter). Etrurian. Pehlvi. Fonnosanic. Phenieian in two forma. Georgian. Runic. ,, (Bible letter). Russian (Roman). Glagolitie. , (Italic). Greek (Roman). Ruthenlan. ,, (Italie). Samaritan. Guzuratie. Shikh. Hebrew, German. Siamese. ,, leruhas, with points and without. Sindh. ,, German Rashi. Syrian. ,, Talmudie Raahi. Tagalie. ,, Spanish-·Levantine. Tamulie. 1 iiimjaritic in two forms. Telingie. ‘ Hindoatanic. Tibetanic. . Japanese (Katakana). Taehirokiaian. ,, U (Firokana). Turkish (Nesehi). Javanese. Zend.