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8 _ i ` ln the fourth volume: Specimens ef all the ether graphic arts. ‘ Walnut. Copies of older woodcuts and some after Albrecht Diirer. A collection of seals. illustrations to works and for festive occasions. Landscapes and historical pictures. Four leaves of religious representa- tions, drawing by Professor Fiihrich. Chemltypy. Representations of the localities of the imperial Court and Government printing-office at Vienna. Illustrations to works. Steel and Cepperplate Engraving. Illustrations to several works. Cards for festive occasions. tiulllede-making. The Emperor Francis Joseph l. Representation of the various applications of the guilloche-machine. · Llthegraphy. Drawing with pen and ink. the titles to A. Auer‘s collec- tion of Lord`s prayers. (They are in the portfolio to the IV. volume.) _ Llthegraphle celaur-printing. Flowers. Head for study. Two {lower- pieces. One fruit—piece. The Emperor Joseph ll. Representations from 1 a code of law. (They are in the portfolio to the IV. volume.) Glenlgraphy. Several specimens. Galvauoplastle. Copy of a eopperplate and a galvanographic object. Q Stylegraphy. Illustration to a work. Galvauography. The Departure. (A copy of the plate in the galvano- } plastic department.) A head after Titian. y Natural self· actlug printing process. Agate —stones, etched by Professor ; I Leydolt, and printed on the common printing press. Agate-stones, etched in the same manner, copied by means of the galvanoplastic process, and printed on the copperplate press. Petrifications of fishes, after a recipient by the imperial librarian J. Heckel, copied also by means of the galvano- plastic process, partly stamped and partly printed in colours. Flowers and . plants printed in colours at the request of Mr. W. llaidinger, counsellor of the section, after recipients by Dr. Const. v. Ettingshausen and Prof. Leydolt. l Glyphograplsy. Emblems of typography. Iyalegraphy. The imperial Austrian eagle. Large landscape. Photcgrlplsy. The tower of St. Stephen at Vienna. Gutenberg. Genea- logical table of languages. lyerotypy. A silk-worm breaking forth from its egg; represented hy means of photography, three thousand times larger than nature. In the third drawer all the thirty modes of printing are col- lected which may be applied in the multiplication of the hu- i man thought. In the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh drawers the colour ‘ printings of the institution are collected, drwn up like oil- % paintings. l l