Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/192

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18i THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. months which her mourning robes and her aunt's fresh widow- hood compelled the two ladies to spend. The acquisition of power made her serious ; she scrutinised her power with a kind of tender ferocity, but she was not eager to exercise it. She began to do so indeed during a stay of some weeks which she presently made with her aunt in Paris, but in ways that will probably be thought rather vulgar. They were the ways that most naturally presented themselves in a city in which the shops are the admiration of the world, especially under the guidance of Mrs. Touchett, who took a rigidly practical view of the trans- formation of her niece from a poor girl to a rich one. " Now that you are a young woman of fortune you must know how to play the part I mean to play it well," she said to Isabel, once for all ; and she added that the girl's first duty was to have everything handsome. " You don't know how to take care of your things, but you must learn," she went on ; this was Isabel's second duty. Isabel submitted, but for the present her imagin- ation was not kindled ; she longed for opportunities, but these were not the opportunities she meant. Mrs. Touchett rarely changed her plans, and having intended before her husband's death to spend a part of the winter in Paris she saw no reason to deprive herself still less to deprive her companion of this advantage. Though they would live in great retirement, she might still present her niece, informally, to the little circle of her fellow-countrymen dwelling upon the skirts of the Champs Elysees. With many of these amiable colonists Mrs. Touehett was intimate; she shared their expatriation, their convictions, their pastimes, their ennui. Isabel saw them come with a good deal of assiduity to her aunt's hotel, and judged them with a trenchancy which is doubtless to be accounted for by the temporary exaltation of her sense of human duty She made up her mind that their manner of life was superficial, and incurred some disfavour by expressing this view on bright Sunday afternoons, when the American absentees were engaged in calling upon each other. Though her listeners were the most good-natured people in the world, two or three of them thought her cleverness, which was generally admitted, only a dangerous variation of impertinence. " You all live here this way, but what does it all lead to 1 " she was pleased to ask. " It doesn't seem to lead to anything, and I should think you would get very tired of it." Mrs. Touchett thought the question worthy of Henrietta Stack pole. The two ladies had found Henrietta in Paris, and Isabel constantly saw her; so that Mrs. Touchett had some