Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/221

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THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 213 Merle, as she spoke, had drawn near the open door of the garden, where she stood a moment, looking out. " Pansy has grown pretty," she presently added. " So it seemed to me." " But she has had enough of the convent." " I don't know," said Osmond. " I like what they have made of her. It's very charming." " That's not the convent. It's the child's nature." " It's the combination, I think. She's as pure as a pearl." " Why doesn't she come back with my flowers, then 1 " Madame Merle asked. " She is not in a hurry." " We will go and get them," said her companion. " She doesn't like me," murmured Madame Merle, as she raised her parasol, and they passed into the garden. XXIII. MADAME MERLE, who had come to Florence on Mrs. Touchett's arrival at the invitation of this lady Mrs. Touchett offering her for a month the hospitality of the Palazzo Crescentini the judicious Madame Merle spoke to Isabel afresh about Gilbert Osmond, and expressed the wish that she should know him ; but made no such point of the matter as we have seen her do in recommending the girl herself to Mr. Osmond's attention. The reason of this was perhaps that Isabel offered no resistance whatever to Madame Merle's proposal. In Italy, as in England, the lady had a multitude of friends, both among the natives of the country and its heterogeneous visitors. She had mentioned to Isabel most of the people the girl would find it well to know of course, she said, Isabel could know whomever she would and she had placed Mr. Osmond near the top of the list. He was an old friend of her own ; she had known him these ten years ; he was one of tlie cleverest and most agreeable men it was possible to meet. He was altogether above the respectable average ; quite another affair. He was not perfect far from it ; the effect he produced depended a good deal on the state of his nerves and his spirits. If he were not in the right mood he could be very unsatisfactory like most people, after all; but when he chose to exert himself no man could do it to better purpose. He had his peculiarities which indeed Isabel would find to be the case with all the men really worth knowing and he did not cause his light to shine equally for all persons.