Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/285

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THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 277 appears it is far fronT finished. Papa told me one day he thought he would finish it himself; for the last year or two, at the convent, the masters that teach the tall girls are so very dear. Papa is not rich, and I should be very sorry if he were to pay much mone^y for me, because I don't think I am worth it. I don't learn quickly enough, and I have got no memory. For what I am told, yes especially when it is pleasant; but not for what I learn in a book. There was a young girl, who was my best friend, and they took her away from the convent when she was fourteen, to make how do you say it in English 1 to make a dot. You don't say it in English 1 ? I hope it isn't wrong ; I only mean they wished to keep the money, to marry her. I don't know whether it is for that that papa wishes to keep the money, to marry me. It costs so much to marry ! " Pansy went on, with a sigh ; " I think papa might make that economy. At any rate I am too young to think about it yet, and I don't care for any gentleman ; I mean for any but him. If he were not my papa I should like to marry him ; I would rather be his daughter than the wife of of some strange person. I miss him very much, but not so much as you might think, for I have been so much away from him. Papa has always been principally for holidays. I miss Madame Catherine almost more ; but you must not tell him that. You shall not see him again 1 I am very sorry for that. Of every one who comes here I like you the best. That is not a great compliment, for there are not many people. It was very kind of you" to come to-day so far from your house ; for I am as yet only a child. Oh, yes, I have only the occupations of a child. When did you give them up, the occupations of a child ? I should like to know how old you are, but I don't know whether it is right to ask. At the convent they told us that we must never ask the age. I don't like to do anything that is .not expected; it. looks as if one had not been properly taught. I myself I should never like to be taken by surprise. Papa left directions for everything. I go to bed very early. When the sun goes off that side I go into the garden. Papa left strict orders that I was not to get scorched. I always enjoy the view ; the mountains are so graceful. In Eome, from the convent, we saw nothing but roofs and bell-towers. I practise three hours. I do not play very well. You play your- self 1 I wish very much that you would play something for me ; papa wishes very much that I should hear good music. Madame Merle has played for me several times ; that is what I like best about Madame Merle ; she has great facility. I shall never have facility. And I have no voice just a little thread."