Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/296

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288 THE PORTKAIT OF A LADY "On purpose to scold me ? " "I don't know.. She seemed to think she had not seen Europe thoroughly." " I am glad you tell me that," Isabel said. " I must prepare for her." Mr. Goodwood fixed his eyes for a moment on the floor ; then at last, raising them " Does she know Mr. Osmond ] " he asked. " A little. And she doesn't like him. But of course I don't marry to please Henrietta," Isabel added. It would have been better for poor Caspar if she had tried a little more to gratify Miss Stackpole; but he did not say so ; he only asked, presently, when her marriage would take place. " I don't know yet. I can only say it will be soon. I have told no one but yourself and one other person an old friend of Mr. Osmond's." " Is it a marriage your friends won't like ?" Caspar Goodwood asked. " I really haven't an idea. As I say, I don't marry for my friends." He went on, making no exclamation, no comment, only asking questions. "What is Mr. Osmond?" " What is he 1 Nothing at all but a very good man. He is not in business," said Isabel. " He is not rich ; he is not known for anything in particular." She disliked Mr. Goodwood's questions, but she said to her- self that she owed it to him to satisfy him as far as possible. The satisfaction poor Caspar exhibited was certainly small; he sat very upright, gazing at her.- " Where does he come from V' he went on. " From nowhere. He has spent most of his life in Italy." " You said in your letter that he was an American. Hasn't he a native place 1 " "Yes, but he has forgotten it. He left it as a small boy." " Has he never gone back ? " " Why should he go back ? " Isabel asked, flushing a little, and defensively. " He has no profession." " He might have gone back for his pleasure. Doesn't he like the United States ? " " He doesn't know them. Then he is very simple he con- tents himself with Italy." " With Italy and with you," said Mr. Goodwood, with gloomy