Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/300

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292 THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. public before she should have heard what Mr, Goodwood would say about it. He had said rather less than she expected, and she now had a somewhat angry sense of having lost time. But she would lose no more; she waited till Mrs. Touchett came into the drawing-room before the mid-day breakfast, and then she said to her " Aunt Lydia, I have something to tell you." Mrs. Touchett gave a little jump and looked at the girl almost fiercely. " You needn't tell me ; I know what it is." " I don't know how you know." " The same way that I know when the window is open by feeling a draught. You are going to marry that man." " What man do you mean V 1 Isabel inquired, with great dignity. "Madame Merle's friend Mr. Osmond." " I don't know why you call him Madame Merle's friend. Is that the principal thing he is known by ] " " If he is not her friend he ought to be after what she has done for him ! " cried Mrs. Touchett. " I shouldn't have expecte^ it of her ; I am disappointed. " " If you mean that Madame Merle has had anything to do with my engagement you are greatly mistaken," Isabel declared, with a sort of ardent coldness. " You mean that your attractions were sufficient, without the gentleman being urged? You are quite right. They are immense, your attractions, and he would never have presumed to think of you if she had not put him up to it. He has a very good opinion of himself, but he was not a man to take trouble.., Madame Merle took the trouble for him." " He has taken a great deal for himself ! " cried Isabel, with a voluntary laugh. Mrs. Touchett gave a sharp nod. " I think he must, after all, to have made you like him." " I thought you liked him yourself." " I did, and that is why I am angry with him." " Be angry with me, not with him," said the girl. "Oh, I am always angry with you; that's no satisfaction! "Was it for this that you refused Lord Warburton 1 " " Please don't go back to that. Why shouldn't I like Mr. Osmond, since you did 1 " "I never wanted to marry him ; there is nothing of him." " Then he can't hurt me," said Isabel. " Do you think you are going to be happy ? No one is happy."