Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/454

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446 THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. " Ah, you see, being married is in itself an occupation. It isn't always active ; it's often passive ; but that takes even more attention. Then my wife and I do so many things together. We read, we study, we make music, we walk, we drive we talk even, as when we first knew each other. I delight, to this hour,, in my wife's conversation. If you are ever bored, get married. Your wife indeed may bore you, in that case ; but you will never bore yourself. You will always have something to say to yourself always have a subject of reflection." " I am not bored," said Goodwood. " I have plenty to think about and to say to myself." " More than to say to others'! " Osmond exclaimed, with a light laugh. " Where shall you go next 1 ? I mean after you have consigned Touchett to his natural care-takers I believe his mother is at last coming back to look after him. That little lady is superb ; she neglects her duties with a finish ! Perhaps you will spend the summer in England 1 " " I don't know ; I have no plans." " Happy man ! That's a little nude., but it's very free." " Oh yes, I am very free." "Free to come back to Eome, I hope/' said Osmond, as he saw a group of new visitors enter the room. " Remember that when you do come we count upon you ! " Goodwood had meant to go away early, but the evening elapsed without his having a chance to speak to Isabel otherwise than as one of several associated interlocutors. There was some- thing perverse in the inveteracy with which she avoided him ; Goodwood's unquenchable rancour discovered an intention where there was certainly no appearance of one. There was absolutely no appearance of one. She met his eye with her sweet hospit- able smile, which seemed almost to ask that he would come and help her to entertain some of her visitors. To such suggestions, however, he only opposed a stiff impatience. He wandered about and waited ; he talked to the few people he knew, who found him for the first time rather self-contradictory. This was indeed rare with Caspar Goodwood, though he often contradicted others. There was often music at the Palazzo Eoccanera, and it was usually very good. Under cover of the music he managed to contain himself ; but toward the end, when he saw the people beginning to go, he drew near to Isabel and asked her in a low tone if he might not speak to her in one of the other rooms, which he had just assured himself was empty. She smiled as if she wished to oblige him, but found herself