Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/473

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THE PORTRAIT OF 'A LADY. 465 the footman to go into the Coliseum and tell her that they were waiting. He presently returned with the announcement that the Sigiiora Contessa begged them not to wait she would come home in a cab ! About a week after this lady's quick sympathies. had enlisted themselves with Mr. Eosier, Isabel, going rather late to dress for dinner, found Pansy sitting in her room. . The girl seemed to have been waiting for her ; she got up from her low chair. " Excuse my taking the liberty," she said, in a small voice. " It will be the last for some time." ' Her voice was strange, and her eyes, widely opened, had an excited, frightened look. " You are not going away ! " Isabel exclaimed. " I am going to the convent." "To the convent?" Pansy drew nearer, till she was near enough to put her arms round Isabel and rest her head on her shoulder. She stood this way a moment, perfectly still; but Isabel could feel her trembling. The tremor of her little body expressed everything that she was unable to say. Nevertheless, Isabel went on in a moment " Why are you going to the convent? " " Because papa thinks it best. He says a young girl is better, every now and then, for making a little retreat. He says the world, always the world, is very bad for a young girl. This is just a chance for a little seclusion a little reflection." Pansy spoke in short detached sentences, as if she could not trust her- self. And then she added, with a triumph of self-control " I think papa is right ; I have been so much in the world this winter." Her announcement had a strange effect upon Isabel ; it seemed to carry a larger meaning than the girl herself knew. " When was this decided 1 " she asked. " I have heard nothing of it." " Papa told me half-an-hour ago ; he thought it better it shouldn't be too much talked about in advance. Madame Catherine is to come for me at a quarter past seven, and I am only to take two dresses. It is only for a few weeks ; I am sure it will be very good. I shall find all those ladies who used to be so kind to me, and I shall see the little girls who are being educated. I am very fond of little girls," said Pansy, with a sort cf diminutive grandeur. " And I am also very fond of Mother Catherine. I shall be very quiet, and think a great deal." H H