Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/501

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THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 493 escape; she should last. Then the middle years wrapped her about again, and the grey curtain of her indifference closed her in. Henrietta kissed her, as Henrietta usually kissed, as if she were afraid she should be caught doing it ; and then Isabel stood there in the crowd, looking about her, looking for her servant. She asked nothing ; she wished to wait. She had a sudden perception that she should be helped. She was so glad Henri- etta was there ; there was something terrible in an arrival in London. The dusky, smoky, far-arching vault of the station, the strange, livid light, the dense, dark, pushing crowd, filled her with a nervous fear and made her put her arm into her friend's. She remembered that she had once liked these things ; they seemed part of a mighty spectacle, in which there was something that touched her. She remembered how she walked away from Euston, in the winter dusk, in the crowded streets, five years before. She could not have done that to-day, and the incident came before her as the deed of another person. " It's too beautiful that you should have come," said Henri- etta, looking at her as if she thought Isabel might be prepared to challenge the proposition. " If you hadn't if you hadn't ; well, I don't know," remarked Miss Stackpole, hinting ominously at her powers of disapproval. Isabel looked about, without seeing her maid. Her eyes rested on another figure, however, which she felt that she had seen before ; and in a moment she recognised the genial counten- ance of Mr. Bantling. He stood a little apart, and it was not in the power of the multitude that pressed about him to make him yield an inch of the ground he had taken that of abstract- ing himself, discreetly, while the two ladies performed their embraces. "There's Mr. Bantling," said Isabel, gently, irrelevantly, scarcely caring much now whether she should find her maid or not. " Oh yes, he goes everywhere with me. Come here, Mr, Bantling ! " Henrietta exclaimed. Whereupon the gallant bachelor advanced with a smile a smile tempered, however, by the gravity of the occasion. " Isn't it lovely that she has come 1 " Henrietta asked. " He knows all about it," she added ; " we had quite a discussion ; he said you wouldn't ; I said you would." "I thought you always agreed," Isabel answered, smiling. She found she could smile now ; she had seen in an instant, in Mr. Bantling's excellent eye, that he had good news for her. It