Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/73

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THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 65 " At the same time, Warhurton is very reasonable," Miss Molyneux observed. Isabel watched him a moment, at the other side of the room ; he was evidently trying hard to make himself agreeable to Mrs. Touchett. Ralph was playing with one of the dogs before the fire, which the tempeiature of an English August, in the ancient, spacious room, had not made an impertinence. " Do you suppose your brother is sincere 1 " Isabel inquired with a smile. " Oh, he must be, you know ! " Mildied exclaimed, quickly ; while the elder sister gazed at our heroine in silence-. "Do you think he would stand the test ] " "The test r " I mean, for instance, having to give up all this ! " " Having to give up Lockleigh 1 " said Miss Molyneux, finding her voice. " Yes, and the other places ; what are they called ? " The two sisters exchanged an almost frightened glance. "Do you mean do you mean on account of the expense r ( " the younger one asked. " I daresay he might let one or two of his houses," said the other. " Let them for nothing ? " Isabel inquired. " I can't fancy his giving up his property/' said Miss Molyneux. " Ah, I am afraid he is an impostor ! " Isabel exclaimed. " Don't you think it's a false position ? " Her companions, evidently, were rapidly getting bewildered. " My brother's position T' Miss Molyneux inquired. " It's thought a very good position," said the younger sister. " It's the first position in the county." " I suspect you think me very irreverent," Isabel took occa- sion to observe. " I suppose you revere your brother, and are rather afraid of him." " Of course one looks up to one's brother," said Miss Molyneux, simply. "If you do that, he must be very good because you, evi- dently, are very good." " He is most kind. It will never be known, the good he does." " His ability is known," Mildred added ; " every one thinks it's immense." " Oh, I can see that," said Isabel. " But if I were he, I should wish to be a conservative. I should wish to keep every- thing."