Page:The Portrait of a Lady (1882).djvu/77

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THE PORTEAIT OF A LADY. 6S "As regards that," said Isabel, "I should find in my own nation entertainment for a lifetime. But we have a long drive, and my aunt will soon wish to start." She turned back toward the others, and Lord Warburton walked beside her in silence. But before they reached the others " I shall come and see you next week," he said. She had received an appreciable shock, but as it died away she felt that she could not pretend to herself that it was alto- gether a painful one. Nevertheless, she made answer to this declaration, coldly enough, "Just as you please." And her coldness was not coquetry a quality that she possessed in a much smaller degree than would have seemed probable to many critics ; it came from a certain fear. X. THE day after her visit to Lockleigh she received a note from her friend, Miss Stackpole a note of which the envelope, exhibiting in conjunction the postmark of Liverpool and the neat calligraphy of the quick-fingered Henrietta, caused her some liveliness of emotion. " Here I am, my lovely friend," Miss Stackpole wrote ; " I managed to get off at last. I decided only the night before I left New York the Interviewer having come round to my figure. I put a few things into a bag, like a veteran journalist, and came down to the steamer in a street-car. Where are you, and where can we meet 1 I suppose you are visiting at some castle or other, and have already acquired the correct accent. Perhaps, even, you have married a lord ; I almost hope you have, for I want some introductions to the first people, and shall count on you for a few. The Interviewer wants some light on the nobility. My first impressions (of the people at large) are not rose-coloured ; but I wish to talk them over with you, and you know that whatever I am, at least I am not superficial. I have also something very particular to tell you. Do appoint a meeting as quickly as you can ; come to London (I should like so much to visit the sights with you), or else let me come to you, wherever you are. I will do so with pleasure ; for you know everything interests me, and I wish to see as much as possible of the inner life." Isabel did not show this letter to her uncle ; but she acquainted him with its purport, and, as she expected, he begged her instantly to assure Miss Stackpole, in his name, that he should