right, my dear Sir, slie is ixither old. She comes of an old family ihougfh, my dear Sir ; old in every Rense of the word. The founder of that family came into Kent, when Julius Ceesar invaded Hritain ; — only one member of it, since, who hiisn't lived to eighty-Hve, and he was beheaded by one of the Henrys. The old lady is not seventy-three now, my dear Sir." The little man paused, and took a pinch of snuff. •♦ Well," cried Mr. Jingle.
" Well, my dear Sir — you don't take snuff? — ah I so much the better —expensive habit — well, my dear Sir, you're a fine young man, man of the world — able to push your fortune, if you had capital, eh ? " " Well," said Mr. Jingle again. " Do you comprehend me ? "
- Not'quite."
" Don't you think — now, ray dear Sir, I put it to you, dont you think — that fifty pounds and liberty, would be better than Miss Wardle and expectation ? "
- Won't do — not half enough ! " said Mr. Jingle, rising.
- ' Nay, nay, my dear Sir," remonstrated the little attorney, seizing
bim by the button. " Good round sum — a man like you could treble it in no time — great deal to be done with fifty pounds, my dear Sir."
" More to be done with a hundred and fifty," replied Mr. Jingle, coolly.
" Well, ray dear Sir, we won't waste time in splitting strews," resumed the little man, " say — say — seventy." " Won't do," said Mr. Jingle.
"Don't go away, my dear Sir — pray don't hurry," said the little man. '• Eighty ; come : I'll write you a cheque at once." " Won't do," said Mr. Jingle.
" Well, my dear Sir, well," said the little man, still detaining him; "just tell me what will do."
- Expensive affair," said Mr. Jingle, " Money out of pocket —
posting, nine pounds ; licence, three — that's twelve — compensation, a hundred — hundred and twelve — Breach of honour-— and loss of the lady — '
- Yes, my dear Sir, yes," said the little man, with a knowing look,
" never mind the last two items. That's a hundred and twelve — say a hundred — come."
- And twenty," said Mr. Jingle.
•* Come, come, I'll write you a cheque," said the little man ; and down he sat at the table for that purpose.
" I'll make it payable the day after to-morrow," said the little man, with a look towards Mr. Wardle; "and we can get the lady away, meanwhile." Mr. Wardle sullenly nodded assent.
- ♦ A hundred," said the little man.
" And twenty," said Mr. Jingle. " My dear Sir," remonstrated the little man. " Give it him," interposed Mr. Wardle, ♦' and let him ^o.*' The cheque was written by the little gentleman, and pocketed by Mr. Jingle.