Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/171

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Mr. Pickwick nodded in the aflirmative.

" Wages ? " inquired Sam.

'* Twelve pounds a year," replied Mr. Pickwick.

" Clothes ? "

" Two suits."

" Work?"

To attend upon me ; and travel about with me and these gentlemen here." "

" Take the bill down," said Sam, emphatically. *• Pm let to a single gentleman, and the terms is agreed upon."

" You accept the situation ? " inquired Mr. Pickwick.

" Cert'nly," rephed Sam. " If the clothes tits me half as well as the place, they'll do."

" You can get a character of course ? " said Mr. Pickwick.

" Ask the landlady o' the White Hart about that, Sir," replied Sara.

" Can you come this evening ? "

" Pll get into the clothes this minute, if they're here," said Sam with great alacrity.

" Call at eight this evening," said Mr. Pickwick ; and if the inquiries are satisfactory, they shall be provided."

With the single exception of one amiable indiscretion, in which an assistant housemaid had equally participated, the history of Mr. W^eller's conduct was so very blameless, that Mr. Pickwick felt fully justified in closing the engagement that very evening. With the promptness and energy which characterised not only the public proceedings, but all the private actions of this extraordinary man, he at once led his new attendant to one of those convenient emporiums where gentlemen's new and second-hand clothes are provided, and the troublesome and inconvenient formality of measurement dispensed with ; and before night had closed in, Mr. Weller was furnished with a grey coat with the

  • p. c' button, a black hat with a cockade to it, a pink striped waistcoat,

light breeches and gaiters, and a variety of other necessaries, too numerous to recapitulate.

" Well," said that suddenly-transformed individual, as he took his seat on the outside of the Eatanswill coach next morning ; " I wonder vether Pm meant to be a footman, or a groom, or a game-keeper, or a seedsman. I looks like a sort of compo of every one on 'em. Never mind ; there's change of air, plenty to see, and little to do ; and all this suits my complaint uncommon, so long life to the Pickvicks, says I."