Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/174

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122 posTHi;.:cus papers of

cheering- about) swelled into a tremendous roar of triumph, which stopped even the red-faced man in the balcony.

" Hurrah I " shouted the mob in conclusion.

    • One cheer more," screamed the little fugleman in the balcony ;

and out shouted the mob ag-ain, as if lungs were cast iron, with steel works.

" Slumkey for ever I " roared the honest and independent.

" Slumkey for ever !" echoed Mr. Pickwick, taking off his hat.

" No Fizkin," roared the crowd.

" Certainly not," shouted Mr. Pickwick.

" Hurrah ! " And then there was another roaring, like that of a whole menag-erie when the elephant has rung the bell for the cold meat.

" Who is Slumkey? " whispered Mr. Tupman.

" I don't know," rephed Mr. Pickwick in the same tone. ^' Hush. Don't ask any questions. It's always best on these occasions to do what the mob do."

" But suppose there are two mobs ? " suggested Mr. Snodgrass.

  • ^ Shout with the largest," replied Mr. Pickwick.

Volumes could not have said more.

They entered the house, the crowd opening right and left to let them pass, and cheering vociferously. The first object of consideration was to secure quarters for the night.

" Can we have beds here ? " inquired Mr. Pickwick, summoning the waiter.

    • ^ Don't know, Sir/' replied the man ; " afraid we're full, Sir — I'll

inquire, sir." Away he went for that purpose, and presently returned, to ask whether the gentlemen were " Blue."

As neither Mr. Pickwick nor his companions took any vital interest in the cause of either candidate, the question was rather a difficult one to answer. In this dilemma Mr. Pickwick bethought himself of his new friend, Mr. Perker.

" Do you know a gentleman of the name of Perker ? " inq^uired Mr. Pickwick.

" Certainly, Sir ; honourable Mr. Samuel Slumkey 's agent."

" He is Blue, I think ? "

" Oh yes. Sir."

" Then we are Blue," said Mr. Pickwick ; but observing that the man looked rather doubtful at this accommodating announcement, he gave him his card, and desired him to present it to Mr. Perker forth- with, if he should happen to be in the house. The waiter retired ; and re- appearing almost immediately with a request that Mr. Pickwick would follow him, led the way to a large room on the first floor, where, seated at a long table covered with books and papers, was Mr. Perker.

" Ah — ah my dear Sir," said the little man, advancing to meet him ; " very happy to see you, my dear Sir, very. Pray sit down. So you have carried your intention into effect. You have come down here to see an election — eh ?"

Mr. Pickwick replied in the affirmative.

" Spirited contest, my dear Sir/' said the little man.