Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/327

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Other man, Tupman, is your aider and abettor in it. Therefore— eh, Mr. Jinks ? "

" Certainly, Sir."

" Therefore, I call upon you both, to — I think that's the course, Mr. Jinks?"

•* Certainly, Sir."

« To — to — what Mr. Jinks ? " said the magistrate, pettishly.

« To find bail, Sir."

" Yes. Therefore, I call upon you both — as I was about to say> when I was interrupted by ray clerk — to find bail."

" Good bail," whispered Mr. Jinks.

" I shall require g-ood bail," said the magistrate.

" Town's-people," whispered Jinks.

    • They must be town's-people," said the magistrate.

" Fifty pounds each," whispered Jinks, " and householders, of course."

" I shall require two sureties of fifty pounds each," said the magis- trate aloud, with great dignity, "and they must be householders, of course."

" But, bless my heart, Sir," said Mr. Pickwick, who, together with Mr. Tupman, was all amazement and indignation ; we are perfect strangers in this town. I have as little knowledge of any householders here, as I have intention of fighting a duel with any body."

" I dare say," replied the magistrate, " I dare say— -don't you, Mr, Jinks ? "

« Certainly, Sir."

"Have you anything more to say? " inquired the magistrate.

Mr. Pickwick had a great deal more to say, which he would no doubt have said, very little to his own advantage, or the magistrate's satisfaction, if he had not, the moment he ceased speaking, been pulled by the sleeve by Mr. Weller, with whom he was immediately engaged in so earnest a conversation, that he suffered the magistrate's inquiry to pass wholly unnoticed. Mr. Nupkins was not the man to ask a question of the kind twice over ; and so, with another preparatory cough, he proceeded, amidst the reverential and admiring silence of the con- stables, to pronounce his decision.

He should fine Weller two pounds for the first assault, and three pounds for the second. He should fine Winkle two pounds, and Snodgrass one pound, besides requiring them to enter into their own recognizances to keep the peace towards all his Majesty's subjects, and especially towards his liege servant, Daniel Grummer. Pickwick and Tupman he had already held to bail.

Immediately on the m-agistrate ceasing to speak, Mr. Pickwick., with a smile mantling on his again-good-humoured countenance, stepped forward, and said —

" I beg the magistrate's pardon, but may I request a few minutes* private conversation with him, on a matter of deep importance to himself?"

" What 1" said the magistrate.