Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/364

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"And Winkle?" added Mr. Tupman.

  • ' Here we are I" exclaimed that gentleman, emerging with his pretty

companion from the corner ; and, as he did so, it would have been hard to tell which was the redder in the face, he or the young lady with the black eyes,

" What an extraordinary thing it is, Winkle," said Mr. Pickwick, rather pettishly, " that you couldn't have taken your place before.'*

" Not at all extraordinary," said Mr. Winkle.

" Well," said Mr. Pickwick, with a very expressive smile, as his eyes rested on Arabella, " well, I don't know that it was extraordinary, either, after all."

However, there was no time to think more about the matter, for the fiddles and harp began in real earnest. Away went Mr. Pickwick- hands across, down the middle to the very end of the room, and half way up, the chimney, back again to the door — poussette everywhere — loud stamp on the ground — ready for the next couple — off again — all the figure over once more — another stamp to beat out the time — next couple, and the next, and the next again — never was such going ; and at last, after they had reached the bottom of the dance, and full four-- teen couple after the old lady had retired in an exhausted state, and the clergyman's wife had been substituted in her stead, did that gentleman, when there was no demand whatever on his exertions, keep perpetually dancing in his place, to keep time to the music, smiling on his partner all the while with a blandness of demeanour which baffles all de* scription.

Long before Mr. Pickwick was weary of dancing, the newly-married couple had retired from the scene. There .was a glorious supper down stairs, notwithstanding, and a good long sitting after it ; and when Mr. Pickwick awoke, late the next morning, he had a confused recollection of having, severally and confidentially, invited somewhere about five-and- forty people to dine with him at the George and Vulture, the very first time they came to London ; which Mr. Pickwick rightly considered a pretty certain indication of his having taken something besides exercise, on the previous night.

" And so your family has games in the kitchen to-night, my dear, has they?" inquired Sam of Emma.

" Yes, Mr. Weiler," replied Emma ; " we always have on Christmas eve. Master wouldn't neglect to keep it up, on any account."

" Your master's a wery pretty notion of keepin* anythin' up, my dear," said Mr. W^eller ; " I never see such a sensible sort of man as he is, or such a reg'lar gen'l'm'n."

"Oh, that he is!" said the fat boy, joining in the conversation ; " don't he breed nice pork I" and the fat youth gave a semi-cannibalic •eer at Mr. Weiler, as he thought of the roast legs and gravy.

" Oh, you've woke up, at last, have you ? " said Sam.

The fat boy nodded.

" I'll tell you what it is, young boa constructer," said Mr. Weiler, impressively, " if you don't sleep a little less, and exercise a little more, Y«n vou cpmes to be a man you'll lay yourself open to the same sort