Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/611

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the word " Arabella," in what was meant to be a whisper, but which was in fact an especially audible and distinct tone of speech, which nobody could avoid hearing, if anybody were so disposed.

" My dear Benjamin," said the old lady, struggling with a great shortness of breath, and trembling from head to foot — " don't be alarmed, my dear, but I think I had better speak to Mr. Sawyer alone for a moment — only for one moment."

" Bob," said Mr. Ben Allen, " will you take my aunt into the surgery ? "

" Certainly," responded Bob, in a most professional voice. " Step this way, my dear Ma'am. Don't be frightened. Ma'am. We shall be able to set you to rights in a very short time, I have no doubt, Ma'am. Here, my dear Ma'am. Now then." With this Mr. Bob Sawyer having handed the old lady to a chair, shut the door, drew another chair close to her, and waited to hear detailed the symptoms of some disorder from which he saw in perspective a long train of profits and advantages.

The first thing the old lady did, was to shake her head a great many limes, and begin to cry.

" Nervous," said Bob Sawyer complacently. " Camphor-julep and water three times a day, and composing draught at night."

  • ' I don't know how to begin, Mr. Sawyer," said the old lady. *' It

is so very painful and distressing."

"You need not begin. Ma'am," rejoined Mr. Bob Sawyer. "I can anticipate all you would say. The head is in fault."

" I should be very sorry to think it was the heart," said the old lady, with a slight groan.

" Not the slightest danger of that, Ma'am," replied Bob Sawyer. " The stomach is the primary cause."

"Mr. Sawyer I" exclaimed the old lady, starting.

  • ' Not the least doubt of it. Ma'am," rejoined Bob, looking wondrous

wise. " Medicine, in time, my dear Ma'am, would have prevented it all."

" Air. Sawyer," said the old lady, more flurried than before, " this conduct is either great impertinence to one in my situation, Sir, or it arises from your not understanding the object of my visit. If it had been in the power of medicine or any foresight I could have used to prevent what has occurred, I should certainly have done so. I had better see my nephew at once," said the old lady, twirling her reticule indignantly, and rising as she spoke.

" Stop a moment. Ma'am," said Bob Sawyer ; " I am afraid I have not understood you. What is the matter. Ma'am ? "

"My niece, Mr. Sawyer," said the old lady — "your friend's sister."

" Yes, Ma'am," said Bob, all impatience ; for the old lady, although much agitated, spoke with the most tantalising deliberation, as old ladies often do. " Yes, Ma'am."

  • ' Left my home, Mr. Sawyer, three days ago, on a pretended visit to

my sister, another aunt of hers, who keeps the large boarding school just beyond the third mile-stone, where there is a very large laburnum