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I believe that the problem of sexual frigidity in women is one of the gravest problems of our times. Over 40 per cent of married women suffer from it in one or another of its degrees or forms. And their suffering, emotionally and physically, is very real indeed.

Those who are most closely related to the frigid woman—husband and children—suffer too. This is so because frigidity is an expression of neurosis, a disturbance of the unconscious life of the individual destructive to personal relationships. No matter how much she may consciously wish to, the frigid woman cannot protect her loved ones from the effects of her problem. Thus frigidity constitutes a major danger to the stability of marriage and to the health and happiness of every member of the individual family.

Despite its extent and seriousness, women who suffer from frigidity generally know very little about their problem. They do not know its nature or its causes nor how or where to find help for it. No adequate book for the lay reader, nor any popular magazine article that indicates a real way out, has yet been written on this enormously important subject.