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officer who gave her the ticket had also given her a stern talking-to.

All one really has to know about situational frigidity is that it isn't serious and that it's well within the normal range of woman's delicately balanced sexual nature and will most certainly pass. The only therapy one needs is patience.

These cases represent, then, the major forms of frigidity. My intent in presenting them has been threefold. In the first place, it is important to understand what type of frigidity you have. Second, it can be helpful to see the individual characteristics of each kind of frigidity. Third, it is necessary to understand that all of the frigidities have certain basic characteristics in common (with the exception of situational frigidity), for this latter fact will allow us to approach each individual type with one basic form of solution.

With this final information in mind we are now ready to turn our attention to the means by which frigidity can be resolved.