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Chapter 14


The resolution of an emotional problem is a process, a process with a beginning, a middle, and an end. To put this process in motion and to maintain it in motion, two distinct approaches are necessary.

The first step is to grasp the problem objectively, to understand its nature, its implications, to learn all the outside facts about it one can grasp with one's intellect.

We have now taken this first step, an all-important one for most people. If you have read thus far, you have learned a great many objective facts about frigidity.

You have learned what it is and the toll it exacts; you have seen why women are subject to it and how it originates in the individual and the different forms it may take. You have seen, too, how woman has attempted to masculinize her personality, how she has tried to eschew sex entirely; and you have seen why these unhappy attempts can be successful, why they are inherent biological and psychological possibilities.

This kind of objective understanding is of great importance. It frees one from prejudice and prevents one from