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Chapter 15


The self-exploration described in the last chapter results in the surfacing of hidden feelings, attitudes, and fantasies. Getting them up and out, exposing them to the bright light of reason and judgment, clears the psychological atmosphere almost miraculously.

The next most helpful step to take, I have found, is a re-evaluation of the male sex. The woman who suffers from frigidity has, by definition, very little knowledge of what men are really like. Since her attitudes toward men were formed in her distant past and have altered little through the years, she has a child's-eye view of men. To her, as parents to a child, men are powers, not people. Projecting her own childhood fears and hopes and needs upon them, she has been calling that reality and acting accordingly.

This next step, the conscious revaluation of men, can be achieved by learning what the male sex is really like—how it differs from the female sex, what makes men think, act, and feel the way they do in everyday life—and by contrasting this knowledge with the negative attitudes and feelings she has now brought to the surface of her mind. In this way she