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the outlets or the results of the accumulated tensions of a man's day. He will not tell you of the humiliations or defeats or worries of his day in any direct manner usually. As his wife, you must understand that these are the only remonstrances against his hard and anxious struggle that he will permit himself. If you see his behavior in this light it will be difficult to harbor any deep-seated resentment against him; one can only wish to comfort him, to help in any conceivable way to make his burden less onerous, his worries less sharp, his nightmares less frequent.

The espousal of this view of the male, the accurate one, can be another great forward step toward femininity. Seeing her man's aggression in its true light, aimed first and foremost at procuring her safety, happiness, and security, she can now dare to take down, one by one, the precarious defenses she has maintained against him from the beginning of their relationship. She sees that her husband's wonderful aggression actually defines her true role, makes it ever clearer and more desirable to her.

Let us now see how her altered attitude can ultimately affect her and what she can do to hasten and further the process of change.