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The Praises of Amida.


Fight the good Fight with all Thy Might.

"Though there should be Buddhas by the millions, and saints as many in number as the waves on the Ocean, it would be better to seek the Way and to stand firm in it without flinching, than to offer prayers and worship to all these Beings."


1. It was a bright moonlight night in Moscow. A young man opened a window shaded by leafy plane-trees, looked at the solemn beauty of the scene, and half-unconsciously muttered to himself, "How beautiful it all is!" The young man's name was Nehrodoff: he was the hero of Tolstoi's novel, the "Resurrection," the first half of whose life was so eventful and impressive that I could not help feeling touched, as I read it, with a feeling of deep sympathy.

2. This young man was by nature a man of strong sentiments. He is described by a reviewer as being nothing out of the common, in fact quite an ordinary man. He had a good