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The Praises of Amida.

that did it, but the Great Spirit that dwelt in him. We too must let our actions be a part of the workings of this Great Spirit.

14. "Even though a Buddha, in the Flesh, or glorified, should preach another Gospel than this, and should use all the powers of eloquence to persuade me that Shaka had lied when he bade me meditate upon the virtues of Amida that I might be saved, I should not swerve from this my firm conviction and faith." Such was the brave confession of Zendō Daishi.[1] "Not even the fear of beheading would cause me to change my mind," was the splendid testimony of Honen Shonin,[2] when he reproved his apostate disciple Saia. "The Buddhists of those temples," said Shinran,[3] "are ignorant of their own doctrines and cannot distinguish the true Gate of Salvation from the false one. The Confucianists of

  1. One of the seven patriarchs of Amidaism. A.D. 614-681.
  2. Honen Shonin, founder of the Jōdo Sect in Japan. A.D. 1133-1207.
  3. Shinran Shōnin, founder of the Shinshu Sect. A.D. 1173-1212.