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as it has done in the different vacancies which have since occurred. Between the above intermission of the vice-regal authority, and the one occasioned by the return of the prince of Esquilache to Spain, in 1621, there were not less than five. In every similar instance, it has not only preserved the kingdom in the most tranquil state, but has been enabled, by a skilful and prudent dire6lion, to remit to his Catholic Majesty, from the royal treasury, specie to the amount of six millions one hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and seven ducats. In consequence of the death of the viceroy, Don Martin Henriquez, in 1583, and that of the Count of Monte-Rey, in 1606, the audiencies of Charcas and Quito resumed the government of their respe6tive distr16ts, on pretext that the royal schedules of March 1550, and February 1577, by which it was provided that the audience of Lima should govern in the absence of the viceroys, had been dispatched prior to their establishment; but his Majesty, in a schedule dated in November 1606, disapproved of this pretension, and gave directions that the authority of the audience of Lima should extend to every part of the vice-regal dominions.

The instruction for the establishment of regents for the audiences of the Indies, in which the prerogatives and faculties of that distinguished employment are specified, bears the date of the month of June 1776, since which time the audience has not undergone any material change. From what has been precedently said, it may be collected, that the viceroy, in virtue of his office, constantly presides over this high judicial court, which is filled by eight judges, together with several fiscals and other subaltern officers.