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call popery) in Spain; and the Marquis of Wellesley, the ambassador from the "No Popery administration," gave, at a meeting of the grand junta, as a toast, "His Holiness the Pope!!" They profess a deadly hatred of despotism and tyranny, and worship freedom as a deity; yet they have strove to re-establish the reign of terror, despotism, and tyranny ;-they boast of our being an enlightened people, yet they wish to revive the ages of darkness, ignorance, and superstition. They account the liberty of the press an invaluable privilege, yet they wish to restore a government which interdicted printing. They say, they account the trial by jury the palladium of liberty, yet they would revive all the horrors of the Inquisition And what is all this for?—What is the reason of this inconsistency? Is it to replace a faithful ally on the throne? No. Charles the IVth, the legitimate sovereign, was our enemy. Was it to rescue a nation from slavery? No. The Spanish nation groaned under the bitterest system of oppres-