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temporizing it either consumes itself, or the shock is more remote. The magistrates who resolve to destroy it, or oppose its violence, ought to be careful not to strengthen it in their endeavour to repress it, and not essay by blowing upon the flame, to extinguish a fire which will burn with greater fury. They ought to examine the magnitude of the evil, and if they are persuaded they can cure it, to attack it without any consideration, otherwise let them not even touch or try to probe its depth.” ch.33.

If these counsels had been attended to in, France, a million of lives might have been saved, and Europe spared twenty years of war and desolation; but as what is past cannot be remedied, it behoves those who have not yet fallen to admit the possibility of similar ccurrences[1], and fortify them-

  1. Appearances may change, but the world constantly exhibits the same scenes, and no event occurs which has not taken place in past ages; but as the names and the forms perpetually change, the wise alone are able to recognize them.—Guichardini's Lett. to Mach.
