Page:The Principles and Practice of Medicine.djvu/589

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A. Abdomen, boundaries of, 160 diseases of, 160 ' regions of, 160 Abdominal breathing, 290 aneurism, 391 Ablutions as practised by Eastern Na- tions, 135 Abnormal matters in the blood, 23 sounds of the chest, 293 deposits in the heart, 379 Abscess, 52 - hepatic, 240 its connection with dysentery, 215 encysted, 244 its mode of formation, 245 ? 247 channels through which it bursts, 2-12, 243 Abscesses, secondary, their mode of formation, G3 Abstinence, effects of, 9'i Acarus scabiei, 471, 480 Acephalocysts of the liver, 258 Achorionschoenleini, 80, 481 Acids, 148 mineral, their use in typhoid fever, 514 fruits in scurvy, 608 Acne, 474 indurata, 474 Adhesive phlebitis, 393 Adipose tissue, hypertrophy of, 74 Adventitious sounds of the chest, 298 jEgophony, 298 Age, effect of in predisposing to certain diseases, 124, 125 Ague, 484 73 P Ague, quartan, 484 quotidian, 484 tertian, 484 cake, 486 Air, pure, importance of exercise in, 134 impure, a cause of disease, 101 vitiated by gases from organic da- composition, 103 in the pleura, 305 passages, diseases of, 334 Albumen of blood, 2-1 in urine, 270 tests for, 270 sources of, 269 Albuminaria, 268 Alcohol, effects of on the system, 119 order in which it affects the several organs and textures of the body, 181, 119 Alcoholic liquors, delirium from abuse of, 417 Alkalies, their action on blood, 148 their use in rheumatism, 653 Alteratives, their mode of action, 148 Altered states of reflex action, 17 Alum, its use in colic, 201 Ammonia, hydrochlorate of, Its use In hepatic diseases, 250 Amphoric percussion, 294 respiration, 247 Amyloid degeneration of liver, 159 Anaemia, 27 death by, 8 Anaesthetic leprosy, 660 Ancylostomum duodenale, 84 Aneurism, 387 abdominal, 391 dissecting, 388 false, 388