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woman in the exaltation of love. A sour, yet sad, smile passed over the old soldier's face, and there was tenderness in his voice as, bending to kiss her hand, he said:

"In joy and sorrow, in good times and bad, God save your Royal Highness!"

He paused and added, glancing at me and drawing himself up to military erectness:

"But before all comes the king—God save the king!"

And Flavia caught at my hand and kissed it, murmuring:

"Amen! Good God, amen!"

We went into the ballroom again. Forced to receive adieus, I was separated from Flavia; everyone, when he left me, went to her. Sapt was out and in of the throng, and where he had been glances, smiles, and whispers were rife. I doubted not that, true to his relentless purpose, he was spreading the news that he had learned. To uphold the crown and beat Black Michael—that was his one resolve. Flavia, myself—aye, and the real king in Zenda, were pieces in his game; and pawns