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"Pooh! We shan't wait for the guard. We'll ride to Hofban and catch a train there. When they come the bird 'll be flown."

"But the king?"

"The king will be in the wine cellar. I'm going to carry him there now."

"If they find him?"

"They won't. How should they? Josef will put them off."


Sapt stamped his foot.

"We're not playing," he roared. "My God! don't I know the risk? If they do find him he's no worse off than if he isn't crowned to-day in Strelsau."

So speaking, he flung the door open and, stooping, put forth a strength I did not dream he had, and lifted the king in his hands. And as he did so the old woman, Johann the keeper's mother, stood in the doorway. For a moment she stood, then she turned on her heel, without a sign of surprise, and clattered down the passage.

"Has she heard?" cried Fritz.