Page:The Private Crossings (Signs and Barriers) Regulations 2023 (uksi 20231112 en).pdf/35

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3. The underclearance between the barrier when lowered and the road surface must not exceed 1000 millimetres.

4. A barrier must have means to raise it, and hold it in the raised position. It must also have means to release the hold and allow the barrier to return to a horizontal position.

5. A barrier may be linked with another barrier at the crossing to allow all the barriers to be raised or lowered simultaneously from either side of the crossing.

6. The pivot post of a barrier must be covered to avoid injury to persons using it.

7. A barrier must have on both front and rear faces alternate red and white bands each approximately 600 millimetres wide (measured horizontally across the face of the barrier) and to the full depth of the barrier measured vertically on the full face of the barrier when horizontal. A strip of retroreflecting material not less than 50 millimetres deep, in a colour matching that of the bands must be attached along the full width of each band.

8. A barrier may be fitted with a skirt which fills the space between the barrier and the road surface. Any skirt must be light in colour.

9. Electric lights may be fitted to a barrier and each light must show a red light, when illuminated, in each direction along the relevant road.

10. A barrier, with or without a skirt if fitted, must be as lightweight as possible but nevertheless—

(a) a barrier must be strong enough to withstand distortion or breakage, and

(b) a skirt fitted to a barrier must be capable of withstanding damage caused by wind pressure or by a farm animal.


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Section 52 of the Transport and Works Act 1992 allows the operator of a railway or tramway that is crossed by a private road or private path to cause or permit the placement near the crossing of crossing signs or barriers that are prescribed in regulations made by the Secretary of State, or as otherwise authorised by the Secretary of State. These Regulations prescribe crossing signs and barriers which may be placed on or near a private road or private path at or near the crossing as provided for in that section. A full impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument because no, or no significant, impact on the private, voluntary or public sector is foreseen. An Explanatory Memorandum has been produced for this instrument and is published alongside this instrument at

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