Page:The Professor (1857 Volume 2).djvu/269

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Uniform Edition

of the

Works of Currer Bell,

Author of "Jane Eyre," etc.


Jane Eyre. By Currer Bell.

In One Volume. Tenth Thousand.

"'Jane Eyre' is a remarkable production. Freshness and originality, truth and passion, singular felicity in the description of natural scenery and in the analysation of human thought, enable this tale to stand boldly out from the mass, and to assume its own place in the bright field of romantic literature."—Times.

"'Jane Eyre' is a book of decided power. The thoughts are true, sound, and original; and the style is resolute, straightforward, and to the purpose. The object and moral of the work are excellent. As an analysis of a single mind, as an elucidation of its progress from childhood to full age, it may claim comparison with any work of the same species."—Examiner.

"A very pathetic tale; very singular, and so like truth that it is difficult to avoid believing that much of the characters and incidents are taken from life. It is an episode in this work-a-day world, most interesting, and touched at once with