Page:The Proletarian Revolution in Russia - Lenin, Trotsky and Chicherin - ed. Louis C. Fraina (1918).djvu/87

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give evidence of a very high regard for the Russian proletariat nor of a very strong desire to come to an understanding with its representatives.

"In stating these things we hardly consider it necessary to emphasize that this inspired campaign travels under a false cloak in labeling itself a» the solidarity of the French and English proletariat, which latter really desires peace no less than the proletariat of Russia and Germany. These conspiracies and recommendations emanate from that portion of the working class parties which are corrupted by ministerial ambitions, and if communications of a far different tenor from the other portion do not reach us, it is solely because the censorship in conjunction with nationalist spokesmen stifles all free speech. You may be sure that the international section of the French and English Socialists are deeply and honestly interested in the battle which the Council of Workers and Soldiers is waging for peace and democracy and that they believe as you do, that the Russian Revolution can attain victory only if it is not paralyzed by the poison gas of world war.

"We are firmly convinced that the French Sudekums will be given the same sort of reception by the Russian revolutionary proletariat as was accorded their prototype by the Italian comrades… The most worthy answer to all such plots and schemes will be the redoubled energy of the representatives of the Russian proletariat in their chosen course.

"The confusion created by this policy against the Russian Revolution in the ranks of the proletariat of western Europe, can best be brought to a complete stop if the Council of Workers' Delegates will, over the heads of the patriotic agents of Imperialism, address directly to the working class organizations throughout the world an appeal for international, united action in the direction of universal peace.

"Long live the international solidarity of the proletariat in the battle for freedom!

"Down with the agents of militarism and the advocates of murder!

"Long live the democratic Republic! Long live Revolutionary Socialism!

L. C. F.