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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Hanserd Knolly, Confession of, 125, 220, 221, 225, 231, 257

harmony, 14

Harnack, Adolf, 262

Hasbach, Wilhelm, 198

Hebrews, 265
(see Jews)

Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, 228

Heine, Heinrich, 280

Hellpach, W., 244

Henry, Matthew, 238, 259, 261

Heppe, Heinrich Ludwig, 221, 228, 247

heredity, influence of, 30, 279

Hermelink, Heinrich, 283

Herrnhut, 135, 248

Hertling, Georg von, 188

historical individual, 47

Hoenicke, 238

Hoffmann, 255

honesty, best policy, 282

Honigsheim, Paul, 212, 222, 226, 229

Hooker, Richard, 127

Hoops, Johannes, 207

Hoornbeek, J., 221, 223, 228, 232, 234, 259

Howe, Daniel Wait, 219

Howe, John, 237, 251, 259

Hudibras, 235
(see also Bulter)

Hugenots, 39, 43, 201

Humiliati, 254

Hundeshagen, Carl Bernhard, 226

Huntingdon, Lady, 125

Huss, John, 95, 198

Hutchinson, Colonel John, 275

Huyghens, Constantine, 274

ideal type, 71, 98, 200

idolatry of the flesh, 105, 146, 150, 169, 171, 224, 266, 270, 272-3

Ignatius, St., 119

Independents, 99, 122, 217, 242

India, religious teaching of, 265

individualism, 105, 222

indulgence, 120

industria, 73, 196, 197

inner light, doctrine of, 147

institution for salvation, church as, 227

interest, prohibition of, 73, 201

interests, capitalistic, influence of, 24

Irving, Washington, 261, 275

isolation, of individual, 108

Jacoby, Ludwig S., 250

Jains, 191, 197, 228

James I, 99, 166

James, William, 232

Janeway, James, 259, 268

Jansenists, 221, 222, 229

Jaspers, Karl, 186

Jerome, St., 205

Jesuits, 81, 118, 124, 267, 274, 277

Jesus, 83

Jews as minorities, 39, 191

Jews as representing adventurer's capitalism, 186, 271

Jews, problem of, 187, 197

Jews, Puritans' relation to, 165, 180

Jews, rationalization of, 117, 222

Job, Book of, 164

Jones, Rufus B., 253

joy of living, 41, 42, 45

joy of living, relation of Puritanism to, 163, 166-7, 173

Judaism (see Jews)

Jülicher, A., 214

Jüngst, Johannes, 251

Kampschulte, F. Wilhelm, 218

Kant, Immanuel, 270

Kattenbusch, Ferdinand, 255

Kautsky, Karl, 258

Keats, John, 44, 270

Keller, F., 191, 200, 284

Keller, Gottfried, 107