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36 Victoria.


An Act for legalizing certain Marriages solemnized in Cove Chapel in Pitt Portion in the parish of Tiverton, Devon.

[13th March 1873.]
WHEREAS in or about the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six the ancient consecrated chapel called Cove Chapel, situate in Pitt Portion in the parish of Tiverton in the county of Devon, in which banns of matrimony and marriages might have been lawfully published and solemnized respectively, was wholly taken down, in consequence of its dilapidated condition, and rebuilt on a different site within the ancient chapel yard belonging thereto, but such new chapel was not consecrated or licensed for the solemnization of marriages:

And whereas divers banns of matrimony and marriages have been published and solemnized respectively in such new chapel, and doubts have been entertained as to the validity thereof by reason of the said new chapel not having been consecrated or licensed as aforesaid, and it is expedient that such doubts should be removed :

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1. None of the banns of matrimony or marriages heretoforeMarriages solemnized in the new chapel not invalid, &c. published or solemnized in the said new chapel shall be invalid by reason of the same having been published or solemnized in a church or chapel not duly consecrated or licensed for marriages; and the minister or ministers who solemnized the said marriages respectively shall not be liable to any ecclesiastical censure or to any proceedings or penalties what soever by reason thereof.

[No. 1. Price 2d.] A