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versy of Jesus. The priests thought their opinions were wisdom, but He knew they were false. To test their wisdom was to put it into practice, so every one was to be known by his works, whether they were of God or not. Jesus showed His wisdom by His works, for when they brought Him the sick He healed them. So did others pretending the same way. If Jesus knew how He cured, then the kingdom of heaven had come to their understanding; but if He did not, then He was just as ignorant as they were, and the world was no wiser for His cures. His wisdom was from above, theirs from man's ignorance. These made the two worlds, Science and error, and as man has borne the one, he shall also bear the other.

5. “Is it possible for one to condense his spiritual self so as to be seen by the natural eye of others as Jesus did?”

This question is not properly stated. Jesus never said He had a spirit, but said, “spirit hath not flesh and blood, as you see me have.” There was the rock that they split upon. Jesus' wisdom knew that it was not in the idea body: their knowledge made mind in and a part of the body. So each reasoned according to their wisdom. Their wisdom was their opinion about what persons had said a thousand years before without any proof but merely as an opinion; this they called knowledge. Therefore Jesus' wisdom or Christ was a mystery to them. So when Christ or Wisdom spake through Jesus saying, “though you destroy this temple I will build it up again,” this that spoke was the wisdom, so the builder was not destroyed, but the temple. But they believed as all the Christians of our day do, that the temple and the builder were the same; so that when the former was destroyed, they had no idea of what Christ intended to do. Here comes in your question. The Christ that acted upon the idea “Jesus” admitted flesh and blood as well as His enemies, but His wisdom knew it was only an idea, that He could speak into existence and out. So when they destroyed the idea “Jesus” they destroyed to themselves Jesus Christ, or mind and matter. Now when this Wisdom made Himself manifest to them, they thought He was a spirit, for they believed in spirits, but Christ to Himself was the same Jesus as before; for Jesus only means the idea of flesh and blood or senses, or all that we call man. Now,