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how can he learn without a teacher, and how can one teach without he is sent?—Nov. 1859.


I answer, yes. You may ask, Who is the founder of that Science ? I answer, Jesus Christ. Then comes the question, What proof have you that it is a science? Because Christ healed the sick, that of itself is no proof that He knew what He was doing. I answer, If it was done, it must have heen done by some law or science, for there can be no such thing as accident with God, and if Christ was God, He did know what He was doing. When He was accused of curing disease through Beelzebub or ignorance, He said, “If I cast out devils or diseases through Beelzebub or ignorance, my kingdom or science cannot stand; but if I cast out devils or disease through a science or law, then my kingdom or law will stand, for it is not of this world.” When others cast out disease, they cured by ignorance or Beelzebub, and there was no science in their cures, although an effect was produced; but not knowing the cause the world was none the wiser for their cures.

At another time when told by His disciples that they saw persons curing or casting out devils in His name, and forbade them, He said, “They that are with us are not against us, but they that are not with us, or are ignorant of the laws of curing, scattereth abroad, for the world is none the wiser.” Here, you see, He makes a difference between His mode of curing and theirs. If Christ's cures were done by the power of God, and Christ was God, He must have known what that power or science was, and if He did, He knew the difference between His science and their ignorance. His Science was His Kingdom therefore it was not of this world, and theirs being of this world, He called it the kingdom of darkness. To enter into Christ's Kingdom or Science, was to enter into the laws or knowledge of curing the evils of this world of darkness. As disease is an evil, it is of this world, and is in this kingdom of darkness. To separate one world from the other, is to separate the truth from the error, and as error is death and truth is life, the resurrection of one is the destruction of the other.[1]—Nov. 1859.

  1. This is the first article in which Dr. Quimby identifies Science with Christ. Later he used the term Christian Science.