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not try to give myself any trouble about others' belief. If people believe that they die, and their spirits come back and talk with their friends, I have no doubt but what they do. But it is their opinion and that is of no consequence, except to lessen their belief that there is such a state as death; perhaps it gives them some happiness. But as far as I am concerned I am satisfied with my belief.” “Suppose I should believe that you were dead?” “Suppose that you should, would that make it so?” “No.” “Suppose I should believe that you were dead, what would you say to that?” “I should say, if I knew anything, I know I am alive.” “Well, can't you be as charitable toward another as you would like them to be towards you?” “Yes, but I can't believe that you are dead.” “Did you ever know a dead man to speak?” “No, but you know that we all believe that the body dies and the soul lives.” “Yes, but did you ever see a soul?” “No.” “Then why do you believe the soul lives, when you say an opinion is of no force? Have you any proof that a person is alive, when you see him dead?” “No, only my belief.” “You say that your belief is of no force, for it contains no proof, is it not so?” “Yes.” “Well, suppose I admit that I am dead, will that make you any better satisfied?” “No.” “Well, what shall I admit.” “I don't know, but I wish I really knew whether I was talking to you.” “Don't you believe your own senses?” “Certainly, but you don't come within my senses.” “Why not?” “Because I can't see you.” “Then because you think you can't see me, I am dead?” “Yes.” “Can you see John?” “No.” “Is he dead?” “No.” “How do you know?” “I think he is alive.” “That is nothing but an opinion which you say is of no force.” “Will you give me your opinion about it?” “I have no opinion about it. I know that I am here now, and that is all I care about it. If I am dead, it is news to me: I don't know any more about it than Lucius knew when he was asleep, that he was asleep. So if death is only a mesmeric sleep, it is not much to go through.”—Dec. 1859.


You know I have tried to prove that mind is spiritual matter; and if I have proved that, I will now show you that matter is life. This you will admit so far as vegetation is